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למה להפסיק?

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The chairman of the Danish Zionist Federation, Max Meyer, is a representative in TryghedsGruppen. Copenhagen Pride Tryg Forsikring chose, in May 2024, along with several other companies, to end its partnership with Copenhagen Pride. This happened in the aftermath of Copenhagen Pride's announcement on February 14th, stating they "stand in solidarity with the Palestinian people," and asked partners to take a stance on the conflict between Gaza and Israel. Subsequently, Lars Henriksen, Copenhagen Pride's chairman, resigned from his position and apologized for poor communication, clarifying that the organization did not demand partners to have specific stances on the ongoing conflict (source).

Why boycott?

The chairman of the Danish Zionist Federation, Max Meyer, is a representative in TryghedsGruppen. Copenhagen Pride Tryg Forsikring chose, in May 2024, along with several other companies, to end its partnership with Copenhagen Pride. This happened in the aftermath of Copenhagen Pride's announcement on February 14th, stating they "stand in solidarity with the Palestinian people," and asked partners to take a stance on the conflict between Gaza and Israel. Subsequently, Lars Henriksen, Copenhagen Pride's chairman, resigned from his position and apologized for poor communication, clarifying that the organization did not demand partners to have specific stances on the ongoing conflict (source).

Hvorfor boykotte?

Formanden for Dansk Zionistforbund, Max Meyer, er repræsentant i TryghedsGruppen.

Copenhagen Pride
Tryg Forsikring valgte i maj 2024, sammen med en række andre virksomheder, at stoppe partnerskabet med Copenhagen Pride. Dette skete i kølvandet på, at Copenhagen Pride d. 14. februar meddelte, at de "står solidarisk med det palæstinensiske folk", og bad samarbejdspartnerne om at tage stilling til spørgsmål om konflikten mellem Gaza og Israel. Copenhagen Prides forperson, Lars Henriksen, trak sig efterfølgende fra sin stilling og undskyldte for dårlig kommunikation, hvor han uddybede, at der ikke var tale om, at organisationen stillede krav til partnere om at have bestemte holdninger til den igangværende konflikt (kilde).

Brands from Tryg ForsikringBrands fra Tryg Forsikringبراندات من تريغ للتأمينTryg Forsikring markalarıبرندها از Tryg ForsikringBrands von Tryg Forsikringמותגים מ Tryg Forsikring

Owners of Tryg ForsikringEjere af Tryg Forsikringأصحاب تريغ للتأمينTryg Forsikring sahipleriصاحبان Tryg ForsikringBesitzer von Tryg Forsikringבעלי Tryg Forsikring

 עודכן: 22/09-2024.