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Warum boykottieren?

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As of October 2023, Henkel had 100 employees in Israel, operating business aspects of the company, but not the production itself. Additionally, they seek Israeli companies for collaboration (source: PDF file). Furthermore, Henkel invests in Israeli startup, Feelit (source).

Why boycott?

As of October 2023, Henkel had 100 employees in Israel, operating business aspects of the company, but not the production itself. Additionally, they seek Israeli companies for collaboration (source: PDF file). Furthermore, Henkel invests in Israeli startup, Feelit (source).

Hvorfor boykotte?

Per oktober 2023 havde Henkel 100 medarbejdere i Israel, som opererer forretningsmæssige aspekter af virksomheden, men ikke selve produktionen. Derudover søger de israelske virksomheder til samarbejde (kilde: PDF-fil), og investerer i det israelske startup, Feelit (kilde).

Brands from HenkelBrands fra Henkelبراندات من HenkelHenkel markalarıبرندها از HenkelBrands von Henkelמותגים מ Henkel

Owners of HenkelEjere af Henkelأصحاب HenkelHenkel sahipleriصاحبان HenkelBesitzer von Henkelבעלי Henkel

 Aktualisiert: 19/08-2024.