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למה להפסיק?

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Lavazza sponsors the Arsenal football team, and they pressured one of their players, Mohamed Elneny, to remain silent after he expressed support for Palestine on social media.

Why boycott?

Lavazza sponsors the Arsenal football team, and they pressured one of their players, Mohamed Elneny, to remain silent after he expressed support for Palestine on social media.

Hvorfor boykotte?

Lavazza sponsorerer fodboldholdet Arsenal, som de har presset for at få en af deres spillere, Mohamed Elneny, til at tie stille efter, at han havde udtrykt støtte til Palæstina på sociale medier.

Brands from LavazzaBrands fra Lavazzaبراندات من لافازاLavazza markalarıبرندها از LavazzaBrands von Lavazzaמותגים מ Lavazza

Owners of LavazzaEjere af Lavazzaأصحاب لافازاLavazza sahipleriصاحبان LavazzaBesitzer von Lavazzaבעלי Lavazza

Alternatives to LavazzaAlternativer til Lavazzaبدائل لـ لافازاLavazza için alternatiflerجایگزین‌ها برای LavazzaAlternativen zu Lavazzaאלטרנטיבות ל-Lavazza

 עודכן: 22/06-2024.